Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How Tall {Small} Was Charlotte Bronte

Charlotte Bronte was 4'9" or 4'10" (1.45m) with a very slight build.  One of her dresses that we saw today on display at the Bronte parsonage in Haworth looks tiny.

And, here's another fact: If her father had not changed his name when he came from Ireland to England to seek his fortune, she would have been Charlotte Brunty.

Looking at SpreeCommerce

It's a funny thing, but the SpreeCommerce open-source e-commerce site itself looks very good, but the showcased sites built on SpreeCommerce don't seem as polished.

I am looking through the showcased sites to get an idea of layouts.

Things to Know - Buying A Digital Camera

This is just a quick post to link to the article that I wrote on the Quillcards Blog that is a guide explaining viewfinders, sensors, image processing, etc.

It explains how to decide between the trade-offs that anyone has to go through in deciding which is the best camera for their needs.

Blogger Enables Switching Profile to Google +

It's easy to do. I read the details in this article on Tech Crunch, but basically once you are logged in to Google + all you need to do is go to


and check the box to switch, and I have done it.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bursting Through The Glass Ceiling

Looking up at the glass ceiling of the museum reminds me of Greek mythology and the notion of bursting through the net that surrounds the world.

And it reminds me of the Moirae - otherwise called the Fates - of Greek mythology and of Clotho, the Fate who spun the thread of life, and of Lachesis who measured the thread, and of Atropos who cut the threads of a man's existence when his time was up.

And somehow I imagine a kind of reverse abseiling (rappelling)  and speeding up the thread and leaving the cut part of the it behind and watching it fall lazily to the floor of the museum below.


Italian: piazza Area libera, limitata in tutto o in parte da costruzioni, con varia funzione urbanistica, all'incrocio di piĆ¹ strade o l...